Confirmed Invited Speakers to date
Finite deformation mesoscale field dislocation mechanics.
Micromechanics of dislocations: a new insight into the J-, M-, and L-integrals.
Physics-based strategies to address parameter uncertainty in crystal plasticity.
Variational modeling of dislocation microstructures in crystals.
From DFT to ductility in Mg alloys.
The role of interfacial diffusion in the creep of Ni superalloys.
Real-space electronic structure studies on the energetics of dislocations in Al-Mg materials system and its connection to mesoscale models.
Micromechanical modeling of highly heterogeneous deformation fields in spherulite microstructures.
Functional optimality of the sulcus pattern of the human brain.
Initiation and propagation of kink bands in layered materials.
Beyond trusses - metamaterials with tunable stiffness and improved strenght.
Fine scale plasticity and damage of martensite in advanced steels.
Singularity-free dislocation continuum theory for anisotropic crystals.
How do microstructural defects make fracture surfaces rough in brittle materials?
A new theoretical approach of Greenwood-Johnson's mechanism of transformation plasticity of metals and alloys.
Interaction between a blunted crack-tip and voids in a plastically anisotropic metal.
Defects and grain size in ceramics. An interpretation of the Petch law by the coupled criterion.
Multiscale modelling of precipitation hardening in Al-Cu alloys.
Mechanical relaxation of incommensurate 2D heterostructures in configuration space.
Dislocation-solute interactions on diffusive timescales using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.
Self-similarly expanding ellipsoidal inclusions as a model for deep focus earthquakes and dynamic instabilities.
Unraveling fracture phenomena through strain gradient plasticity.
Diffusive molecular dynamics simulations.
Internal length scales in ductile materials under dynamic loading.
The Schwarz alternating method for concurrent multiscale in finite deformation solid mechanics.
Discrete Shear Transformation Zone (STZ) Plasticity.
Accelerated mesodynamics: A new technique for time acceleration in atomic simulations.
Finite-strain homogenization models for porous viscoplastic polycrystals.
The anomalous yield behavior of fused-silica glass.
The physics and mechanics of dynamic shear localization.
Random distributions of material defects trigger regular necking patterns at high strain rates.
Chemo-mechanical modelling of dislocations in complex alloys.
On bounding global behaviour for composite with imperfect interface between phases.
Minimal gradient-enhancement of crystal plasticity: size effects in spherical and wedge indentation.
Projection-fluctuation-based spatio-temporal coarse-graining of dislocation dynamics.
Nucleation from a cluster of inclusions, leading to void coalescense.
On variational and ad-hoc formulations in phase-field fracture modeling of brittle solids.
Continuum scale hydrogen-microvoid interactions and their implications.
Solitons solutions for two-dimensional lattices on a nonlinear bed.